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Do airlines allow you to change names on flight tickets?


Most airlines allow you to bring name modifications up to a few characters for free if you do it within the standard period. However, you can change the name of some airlines by paying the change charges and the administration fees. Also, it is possible that you can make name modifications on some airlines but cannot transfer the ticket to someone else.

If you need further assistance, can you change a plane ticket to another name; this article can guide you efficiently. Here, you can grab essential information on changing names on the flight. Let's find out!

How can you process the name change on any airline? 

First off, if you wish to make name changes, you must do it using the customer service of your chosen airline. The agents can help you make hassle-free changes as many airlines allow you to make changes online only within 24 hours of the booking. Also, you can bring the changes for free on some airlines if you look forward to changing up to three characters. Check out the below-mentioned steps to find the general method of changing names at any airline:

At some airlines, not only can you change a person name on a plane ticket but generate a new PNR for the other person. Check out the upcoming section to know the formalities to opt for if you made spelling mistakes.

In Case of a Spelling Mistake

In Case You Missed Your Surname

So, if you wonder can you switch a plane ticket to someone else's name, the answer depends on the name change policy of your airline. In some cases, you need to cancel the whole reservation to transfer it to someone else, while on the other hand, some airlines allow you to complete the changes within the standard period. So if you want an untroubled experience, it is advised that you check in with your airline before processing the name change.

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