Ans: Booking the flight for your desired destination is really short and simple. All you have to do is visit and use our filters to find the best flight possible on the date you have chosen to travel. If you find any problem in searching your flight destination or have any further query before booking a flight, you can call us at one of our executive for assistance on +1(888)770-6370
Ans: As your booking is confirmed, you will receive an e-mail from us containing all the details either in your inbox or in the spam box within 4 hours. Still, if you do not find the confirmation mail, please contact us.
Ans: No. travohelp do not charge anything to book over the phone.
Ans:The mode you opt for your ticket delivery is the subject of uncertainty. If you have selected e-ticket then you can get your ticket from the airline desk at the airport where you will be required to show the necessary documents along with confirmation mail in printout.
Ans:You can go for an E-ticket while booking your flight with travohelp and you will get one as soon as possible. E-Ticket are more effective and secured in terms of misplace, torn apart or lost.
Ans:All the necessary details are visible in the confirmation e-mail including terminal, air carrier, seat number and time of departure. Still if you find any problem, please contact us with the reference number of your booking.
Ans: Change of name on a flight ticket is not possible; however you can cancel that particular ticket and book another one on the respective person's name which will be issued with the changed names.
Ans: Infants: 0-1 years till the entire period of travel.
Children: 2-11 years till the entire period of travel.
Please note that infants are not allocated with a seat and must travel on the lap of an adult.
Ans: You can contact directly to the airline 72 hours prior of departure to reconfirm your flight status.
Ans: You will be required to present an official form of Identification i.e. Driving License, Passport etc. along with the printout of your booking confirmation and the debit/credit card from which you have booked your ticket.
Ans: We charge the amount of flight booking through:
Ans: If you have asked for meal during flight and have given your meal preferences at the time of booking, all such details will be mentioned at the confirmation mail you will receive.