How do i get through to British Airways?

Want to know the straightforward ways to speak to someone at British Airways? Then, you are at the perfect place as you will get the specific information here. Facing queries regarding British Airways reservation services and policies before planning an outing is common. At that time, the passenger needs the customer support team to guide them in the required way. Suppose you find any issue or want to ask something. In that case, you can immediately contact British Airways customer service, as they provide on-the-spot assistance to its passengers whenever necessary.

Ways to Get Through to the British Airways Customer Service Live Agent:

British Airways has offered numerous mediums to contact the help team effectively. You should follow the steps below to get rid of the problems.

How Can I Get Through to British Airways UK?

All you need to do is dial the phone number, and once the call is answered, tap the specific key to speak to the customer agent.

  • Dial the contact number: +44 208 707 4463 / +44 203 769 1729 / 1 (805)-301-1203 or 1 (800) 247-9297
  • Press 1 to change your existing booking
  • Press 2 for availability about a new booking
  • Press 3 for cancellation, refund
  • Press 4 for any further info
  • Press 8  to hear all options again

Explain your issue clearly so that they can give you hassle-free solutions quickly. The customer assistance provided to the passenger is free and accessible 24/7.

Get Through to British Airways Live Chat Support and Social Media:

 Through email support:

  • An uncomfortable clearing their issues on-call passenger can use the email support method. However, British Airways customer support does not offer email support service. Still, passengers can email via this website: to avoid refund problems.

  • You need to send an email describing your issue to the support team. After seeing your application, they will revert you for the same.

British Airways Help Page

You can explore more information for any queries if none of the above options work. Visit:

Suppose you still have any queries or require additional information. In that case, you can contact British Airways customer service, as they will offer meticulous and reliable solutions quickly.

British Airways Customer Service Hours

Live customer service agents from British Airways are accessible from 7 am to 11 pm EST Monday-Sunday.

Some more additional British Airways customer service phone numbers are shown below:

  • To make a new booking or check prices for flights, holidays, hotels, car hire, or else upgrades





Daily, 7 am - 11 pm: Eastern Standard Time (EST)


  • For enquire regarding changes to an existing flight booking






Daily, 7 am - 11 pm: Eastern Standard Time (EST)


  • For Enquire regarding an existing holiday, hotel or car hire booking




Monday - Friday, 7 am - 3 pm

Saturday and Sunday, 7 am - 3 pm: Eastern Standard Time (EST)

  • Contact British Airways Holidays



Daily, 7 am - 11 pm: Eastern Standard Time (EST)


  • To Enquire regarding refunds for flight bookings

Refund requests possibly question a servicing fee.

For all other conditions, or if you have trouble canceling your booking online, please call directly on



  • Contact Customer Relations



(Pre-travel / reservations)



(Post-travel queries)

Monday - Friday: 09:00-13:00 Eastern Standard Time (EST)


  • Help with your delayed baggage.



daily: 07:30-23:00 EST


  • British Airways customer service phone numbers for United Kingdom customers regarding Bronze, Silver, and Gold Executive Club Members


New bookings, price or availability inquiries for flights, holidays, hotels, or car hire, including new bookings using Avios or American Express vouchers

0844 493 0 747 option 2 (from the UK)
(calls are charged at 7 pence per minute plus your phone company’s access charge. Mobile charges may be higher)

+44 191 4907901 option 1 then option 2 (outside the UK)

Daily 07:30 – 20:00


Assistance in managing your Executive Club account, including all Avios balance or statement queries, as well as updating personal information

0344 493 0747 option 3 (calls charged at local rate)

+44 191 4907901 option 1, then option 3, followed by option 1 (outside the UK)

Submit documents and letters to:

British Airways Executive Club
PO Box 1125

Fax: +44 1787 881405


Daily 07:30 – 20:00


For inquiries connecting to missing Avios from flown flights or partner purchases

Claim to miss Avios points online

Inquiries about date/destination changes of existing flight bookings

0344 493 0747 option 1 (calls charged at local rate)
+44 191 4907901 option 1 then option 1 (outside the UK)


Daily 06:00 – 20:00

Inquiries about date/destination changes of the existing holiday, hotel, or car hire bookings

0344 493 0747 option 1 (calls charged at local rate)
+44 191 4907901 option 1 then option 1 (outside the UK)

Daily 07:30 – 20:00

Inquiries connecting to upgrading existing bookings, including upgrades using Avios

0344 493 0747 option 1 (calls charged at local rate)
+44 191 4907901 option 1 then option 1 (outside the UK)


Daily 06:00 – 20:00

Flight booking refund inquiries

0344 493 0747 option 1 (calls charged at local rate)
+44 191 4907901 option 1 then option 1 (outside the UK)


Daily 06:00 – 20:00

Holiday, hotel, or car hire refund inquiries

0344 493 0747 option 1 (calls charged at local rate)
+44 191 4907901 option 1 then option 1 (outside the UK)


Daily 07:30 – 20:00

Flight arrival and departure information

View on

View on your mobile

Special requests, as well as meals and wheelchairs

0344 493 0747 option 3 (calls charged at local rate)
+44 191 4907901 option 1 then option 3 followed by option 3 (outside the UK)


Daily 06:00 – 20:00

Inquiries concerning the purchase of seating and extra bags

0344 493 0747 option 3 (calls charged at local rate)
+44 191 4907901 option 1 then option 3 followed by option 3 (outside the UK)


Daily 06:00 – 20:00

Group sales

0344 493 0765 option 4 (calls charged at local rate)

Group travel


Monday – Friday 08:30 - 17:00

Customer Relations

0344 493 0787 option 3, followed by option 2 (calls charged at local rate)

Make a complaint or claim online

British Airways
PO Box 1126


Monday – Friday 09:00 - 17:00

Baggage claims

0344 493 0747 option 3, followed by option 2 (calls charged at local rate)

Baggage Claim Form

British Airways
PO Box 1126


Monday – Friday 13:00 - 17:00

Minicom for the hearing impaired

0345 700 7706 (calls charged at local rate)

Or if you don’t have minicom access, please email them


Daily 06:00 – 20:00


Tracing of late baggage

0344 493 0785 (calls charged at local rate)

Report and track delayed baggage online


Daily 06:00 – 20:00

Other inquiries, as well as APIS, airport information, website navigation, seating/baggage policy inquiries, including allowances

0344 493 0747 option 3 (calls charged at local rate)

+44 191 4907901 option 1 then option 3 followed by option 3 (outside the UK) site help


  • British Airways customer service phone numbers for Canada customers regarding Bronze, Silver, and Gold Executive Club Members


By phone

 Tel: 1 800 452 1201 (from Canada)
     +1 800 452 1201 (outside Canada)
 Daily 0730-2000 Eastern

 By post

 British Airways Executive Club
 PO Box 300743
 Jamaica, NY 11430-0743


  • British Airways customer service phone numbers for Puerto Rico customers regarding Bronze, Silver, and Gold Executive Club Members
 By phone  Tel: 1 800 452 1201 (from Antigua)       
     +1 800 452 1201 (outside the Caribbean)
 Daily 0730-2000 Eastern
 By post  British Airways Executive Club
 PO Box 300743
 Jamaica, NY 11430-0743


  • British Airways customer service phone numbers for Peru customers regarding Bronze, Silver, and Gold Executive Club Members
 By phone Tel: +511 707 38 17
Monday - Thursday, 08:00-17:00
Friday 08:00-16:00
 By post  British Airways Executive Club
 28365 Bremen


  • British Airways customer service phone numbers for Kuwait customers regarding Bronze, Silver, and Gold Executive Club Members


By phone     Tel:  +44 207 136 7770
 Fax: +91 124 2540 547 Attn: Exec Club
 Sat-Thu 0730-1730 hours / Fri 0730-1100 hours


  • British Airways customer service phone numbers for Jordan customers regarding Bronze, Silver, and Gold Executive Club Members


By phone      Tel:  +44 207 136 7770
 Fax: +91 124 2540 547 Attn: Exec Club
 Sat-Thu 0430-1430 GMT / Fri 0430-0800 GMT

Tel:  0800 0000 116 (from Egypt) for changes to flights and hotels
Mon-Sun 0830-2100 hours


  • British Airways customer service phone numbers for Nicaragua customers regarding Bronze, Silver, and Gold Executive Club Members


 By phone  Tel: +1 408 352 9323
 Mon - Fri, 0900-1800 hours
 By post  British Airways Executive Club
 28365 Bremen


  • British Airways customer service phone numbers for Singapore customers regarding Bronze, Silver, and Gold Executive Club Members
 By phone     Tel: +65 6823 2095
 Mon-Fri 0900 to 1730 hours


  • British Airways customer service phone numbers for Saudi Arabia customers regarding Bronze, Silver, and Gold Executive Club Members


By phone      Tel:  8008 443470
 Fax: +91 124 2540 547 Attn: Exec Club
 Sat-Thu 0730-1730 hours / Fri 0730-1100 hours


  • British Airways customer service phone numbers for Bolivia customers regarding Bronze, Silver, and Gold Executive Club Members


By phone    Tel: +1 408 352 9323
 Mon - Fri, 0900-1800 hours
 By post        British Airways Executive Club
 PO Box 300743  Jamaica, NY 11430-0743


  • British Airways customer service phone numbers for Yemen customers regarding Bronze, Silver, and Gold Executive Club Members
By phone      Tel:  +44 207 136 7770
 Fax: +91 124 2540 547 Attn: Exec Club
 Sat-Thu 0730-1730 hours / Fri 0730-1100 hours


  • British Airways customer service phone numbers for Tajikistan customers regarding Bronze, Silver, and Gold Executive Club Members


 By phone     Tel:  +44 207 136 7770
 Fax: +91 124 2540 547 Attn: Exec Club
 Sat-Thu 0430-1430 GMT / Fri 0430-0800 GMT


  • British Airways customer service phone numbers for Tanzania customers regarding Bronze, Silver, and Gold Executive Club Members


By phone   

 Tel: +27 10 344 0135
 Mon-Fri 0830-1700 hours


  • British Airways customer service phone numbers for Syria customers regarding Bronze, Silver, and Gold Executive Club Members
By phone     Tel:  +44 207 136 7770
 Fax: +91 124 2540 547 Attn: Exec Club
 Sat-Thu 0430-1430 GMT / Fri 0430-0800 GMT

Tel:  0800 0000 116 (from Egypt) for changes to flights and hotels
Mon-Sun 0830-2100 hours


  • British Airways customer service phone numbers for Suriname customers regarding Bronze, Silver, and Gold Executive Club Members


By phone  Tel: 1 800 452 1201 (from Antigua)       
     +1 800 452 1201 (outside the Caribbean)
 Daily 0730-2000 Eastern
 By post  British Airways Executive Club
 PO Box 300743
 Jamaica, NY 11430-0743


  • Customer Reviews
    • review-image
          • Victor igbinoba
      • Left my hand luggage at terminal 5 on the 12/9/2020.

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